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Don't Bail Just Yet...

Dear Dr. B,

As you know, I've recently started pursuing the career of my dreams, one that is synergistic with my gifts, interests, and fully aligned with my goal of having a life well lived. This all sounds fun and perfect until I tell you the bad news: All sorts of things have been going wrong. I get a client, I lose a client. I'm promised an opportunity just to have it fall through. I feel like I'm two steps forward and a million steps back almost every single day. Is the Universe telling me that I should be throwing in the towel? Should I call it quits and just go back to my humdrum, uninspiring life?

~ About to Jump Ship

Dear About to Jump Ship,

Your letter touched such incredibly familiar places in my own experience that I just had to make a video to respond to your plight. I want you to be able to play it over and over again when you're feeling doubt. And, please reach out to me in a few weeks with a dear colleague of mine (Linda Albright) is launching a life-changing personal assessment tool that will transform they way you experience your path, challenges, and opportunities! 

And, well, the short answer is: ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Here's an inspiring quote for you to ponder....

"Aim to live in this world without the world living inside of you, because when a boat sits on water it sails perfectly, but when the water enters inside the boat, it sinks." ~ Imam Ali

Click the link below to view the video....

Facing down challenges!

You got this!


Dr. B